Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tropical Fruit

Above is a picture of some tropical fruit that I encountered on my trip to the Philippines this past June.

The spiky one in the back is durian which a lot of people know from Andrew Zimmern's show Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel. Watch Zimmern trying durian here...

The pulp of durian is very soft and creamy. To me it tasted like funky onions. It was just tolerable and I didn't react to it as dramatically as Zimmern. However, it isn't something that I would crave to eat. It also sometimes has a strong smell that offends some people, but the smell didn't bother me. I've tried durian before in the US, however it was frozen, not fresh.

The small fruit in front on the left with white flesh is mangosteen. It is a citrus fruit with a flavor very similar to an orange. Only the white flesh is edible. Mangosteen is sweet and juicy. The fruit on the right that's in halves is pomelo. It is also a citrus fruit but its taste reminds me of grapefruit. It is not so sweet but is very much a citrus fruit.

I very much enjoyed exploring different fruits in the Philippines that I haven't tasted before.

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